60 Lincoln Schools to Upgrade Security

Published: May 23, 2007

LINCOLN, Neb. – Sixty schools in Lincoln, Neb., will soon be installing security systems and hiring entrance monitors. The cost of the improvements will be approximately $1.5 million.

In each of the 60 schools slated for upgrades, all entrances except for one will be locked during classes. A person will be stationed at each entrance to verify via a laptop computer that visitors attempting entry are appropriate.

Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs Dennis Van Horn told the Beatrice Daily Sun that the challenge will be training students, staff and teachers to direct all visitors to the main entrance, rather than just opening the door for them.

Another improvement is the adoption of a new radio system costing nearly $650,000. This should help improve communications with police and other agencies. Additionally, an $80,000 mass notification system using phone, E-mail and text messages would contact parents regarding emergencies.

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The changes were prompted by the April 16 Virginia Tech massacre in which 32 people were shot and killed by a deranged gunman who then committed suicide.

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