3 Killed in Tennessee School Bus Collision

The victims have been identified as Zykia Burns, 6, Seraya Glasper, 7, and Kimberly Riddle, 46.
Published: December 4, 2014

Two children and one adult were killed on Tuesday when two school buses collided in Knoxville.

The accident occurred at approximately 2:50 p.m. on Asheville Highway at John Sevier Highway, reports 13ABC.com. The victims have been identified as Zykia Burns,6, Seraya Glasper, 7, and Kimberly Riddle, 46, reports WBIR. Riddle was a teacher’s aide and youth minister.

One of the buses involved was transporting students from Chilhowee Intermediate School, while the other one was serving Sunnyview Primary School, which flipped on its side. Officials say the driver of the Chihowee bus made a sharp left-hand turn and crossed over the center divider, crashing into the other bus.

Initial reports state that about 20 students riding the buses were taken to local hospitals. Besides the three fatalities, most of the other students sustained bruises, bumps and cuts.

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It took crews eight hours to clear the crash scene.

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