2,200 Washington State U. Students Contract Swine Flu

Published: September 7, 2009

More than 2,200 Washington State University (WSU) students have reported symptoms of the H1N1 flu virus. The outbreak is one of the largest swine flu attacks on a college campus, according to The New York Times.

The virus apparently spread during the university’s fraternity and sorority rush week. Cases have been reported as mild.

As many as 200 students a day have visited or called student health services, reporting sore throats, fevers as high as 104 degrees, muscle aches and coughs, according to the news report.

The university, which does not have a quarantine program in place, is requiring ill students stay home at least 24 hours after their fever has subsided.

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According to Seattlepi.com, however, school officials believe the outbreak has peaked.

For additional information, click here.

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