2 Out of 3 Bills Supported by CCUPCA Expected to Become Law

Published: August 14, 2008

SACRAMENTO – A prohibition against pellet guns on college campuses and a change to the California labor code are expected to soon be signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. A bill exempting campus law enforcement from jury duty, however, has been vetoed.

According to Phil Mullendore, executive director of the California College and University Police Chiefs Association (CCUPCA), AB 2470 amends bill PC 626.10 to prohibit the use of BB guns and pellet guns on college and university campuses. It is on its way to the governor.

AB 419 adds K-12 and community college police to labor code 4850, disability leave. It has passed both houses and is awaiting a final vote from the Assembly. It will then go to the governor for his signature.

AB 1769, which would have exempted community college and school district resource officers from jury duty, was vetoed.

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