Psychologist Says Sandusky Followed ‘Pedophile’s Pattern’

Published: March 25, 2012

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A report written by a psychologist in 1998 during an investigation into a suspected assault on an 11-year-old boy found that Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky’s actions were “likely a pedophile’s pattern.” However, the university did nothing about Sandusky, who was charged with more than 50 counts of child sexual abuse late last year.

The university’s 1998 police report was nearly 100 pages in length, but the district attorney decided against taking the case to trial at the time, The New York Times reports. Investigators also called on second psychologist, John Seasock, who had worked with the agency that licensed Sandusky as a foster parent. Seasock concluded that no sexual offense had taken place.

Sandusky has maintained his innocence.

Read the full story.

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