Safety and Security Incident Response Solutions

The total security software solution for your patrol and response department.
Published: May 26, 2017

Today, there are many software options available that provide everything from officer scheduling to incident reporting and GPS tracking for safety & security companies and law Enforcement. So how do you distinguish one product from another?

Most importantly, you’ll want to invest the time for a demonstration of the software. With screen-share meetings and conference calls, you’ll be able to have a live look into each software option. Have a list of goals and needs on hand, and look for the capabilities that meet the specific needs of your department or agency. More than anything else, this will allow you to define which program is best for you.

You’ll find that most industry specific software options are primarily meant for scheduling employees. These options are very useful and time-saving, considering they can calculate varying bill and pay rates for each location, and some can even assist in determining the right employee for a shift based on compliance rules, availability and/or training. Others are great for organizations that focus on “standing” or “stationary” guards for specific locations and clients. They provide general GPS or Geofencing information of that property and can generate a report.

While those options solve a couple of today’s challenges, very few are designed for true Incident and Emergency Response, as well as the transparency needed to manage the Officers and Guards performing the work. There is a limited selection of software packages like this, and even fewer are designed specifically for mobile security units, Campus Security, Hospital Security and Police Departments. One of the most well-rounded Software packages is MIRS®, Mobile Information Reporting System. MIRS is a web-based, SaaS (software as a service), which is completely hosted by iWatch Communications. This means there are no expensive up-front costs or on-going storage issues, and it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

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MIRS also includes a fully integrated Dispatch module that allows all incidents and activities to be logged by the dispatcher while still receiving details via phone. Those details are then sent immediately to the district or precinct officer in the field. The officer receives the information on an Android tablet within seconds, and then has access codes, post orders, site maps, Emergency Contact information, and more all at their fingertips. The officer simply accepts the assignment and goes en route to that location. The ability to send response requests via the system, instead of over the phone or radio, coupled with the ability to quickly reassign requests, greatly decreases response time to incidents, and instantly provides all available information to the people who need it most.

MIRS also increases efficiency and responsiveness for both the officer and recipient of the reports, and can be customized to specific organization’s needs; including those of Campus Law Enforcement included in the Clery Act. Pre-scheduled patrols, welfare checks, breaks and lunches can be pre-scheduled and assigned to specific Districts/Shifts. With over 15 reports available, department management is a breeze. Other features include automatic timesheets, 4-second GPS maps of entire shifts, as well as a Client and Supervisor Portals. Sensitive digital information is encrypted, and double-password-protected, and Officer generated reports are automatically emailed to unlimited contacts.

iWatch Communications is a UL Listed, 5 Diamond Certified dispatch and monitoring center located in Beaverton, OR that also specializes in complete dispatching and answering services; all available to users of MIRS.

Click here for additional information and to request a demonstration of this software.

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