University administrators and Campus Police all recognize the issue: they have no choice. Each year by October 1, they must publish their Annual Campus Security Report in accordance with the Clery Act. This annual report requires each college/university to report: sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor theft, arson, hate crimes, liquor/drug law violations, arson, illegal weapon possession, criminal homicide, as well as any campus emergency response.
This report is a summary, a report card, of “after the fact” crime.
What college administrators and Campus Police really want is a way to prevent or diminish the incidence of crime on campus. They are looking for ways to maintain a safe campus. More important, parents confirm that campus safety is one of the top three criteria in selecting where there daughter/son enroll.
Is there a response to administrators, campus police and parents? Frankly, there is no definitive single answer. However, the folks at VMW Scooters believe strongly in the basic principles of crime prevention.
With the use of their Forza Public Safety Vehicles, VMW has defined a proactive approach to mitigate a portion of the problem.VMW believes their all electric scooters provide security officers a way to optimize campus vigilance, increase the visibility of campus security and promote interaction between campus police and the student body.
VMW, through its Forza Public Safety division offer a fleet of high quality, all electric vehicles that help Campus Police cover more territory, move swiftly and command a strong physical presence.
Vigilance, by definition, is the state of constantly being watchful of potential dangers or threats. Forza Scooters allow campus police to cover more territory, more often, in less time. They can traverse areas that squad cars and security SUVs can’t manage. Northern Illinois University has successfully used the Forza Scooters to monitor pregame tailgate activities.
Visibility. Equipped with a full-spectrum of LED strobe lights and sirens, these three or four wheeled vehicles help campus police mobilize quickly, projecting a consistent visible reminder of their presence as guardians of campus safety and security. They provide a perceptive, tangible benchmark that campus security is alert, watchful and responsive. Forza vehicles command attention and authority.
Community Interaction. Information gathering is the basis of incident prevention. Because of their unique design and engineering, Forza Scooters become a platform for approachable interaction between officers and the student population it serves. These vehicles with their indoor and outdoor capabilities, offer an ideal solution for crowd management, parking enforcement, special events as well as tailgate monitoring and patrolling. Northern Illinois University’s Move In Day provided a first-day introduction of parents/students to the Forza Scooters manned by the NIU campus police.
VMW believes through the use of its Forza vehicles, they can help solve a portion of the problem of maintaining and increasing campus security. At $0.01/mile in energy costs their vehicles are resource efficient and eco friendly; they simply plug into a standard wall outlet. VMW offers a variety of options to purchase.