7 Reasons Mobile Apps Won’t Replace Your Blue Light Phones

Comprehensive security plans employ both blue light phones and mobile apps, along with other emergency communication solutions.
Published: January 21, 2014

There doesn’t seem to be much that cell phones can’t do these days.

Between text messages, social media, Internet, gaming, calendar, camera and video capabilities, it sometimes seems like the last thing people want to use their cell phones for is making actual calls. Now, though, there is a growing faction of individuals lobbying for safety and security to not only be included in the mobile communication mix, but act as a primary method for alerting first responders during an emergency situation.

The preponderance of cell phone used in places like college campuses, not surprisingly, are contributing to the rapid growth of mobile safety apps that put callers in contact with assistance right from their smartphones. There’s little doubt that this solution can provide an efficient and effective way to request assistance during an emergency given the prevalence of cell phones in today’s population.

In fact, these technological advances have left some wondering if campuses still need security systems like blue light emergency phones. It’s not hard to understand the rationale. After all, cell phones can do just about anything now, right? Why spend the time and resources on a stationary object when a phone can travel right in your pocket?

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But is trading out blue light phones for cell phones really a fair deal for the thousands of students, faculty, staff and visitors who roam campus every day? The answer is simple: No.

Blue light phones act as integrated security stations that provide a wide array of emergency communication solutions, while simultaneously augmenting  mobile security apps. Removing them would be a dangerous and hasty decision for campuses looking for a complete security solution.

Blue light phones have a number of advantages over cell phones, including:

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