Oklahoma Senate Considering School Safety Bill

Published: April 20, 2008

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – The Oklahoma Senate is currently considering passage of the Oklahoma School Security Act (Senate Bill 1941), which was recently introduced by Senator Tom Lamb. The bill is intended to improve school security and eliminate campuses as polling places.

SB 1941 would require that schools practice lockdowns three times each year. According to a release issued by the senator’s office, under current law, schools are only required to practice lockdowns once each year. Lamb said the use of schools as polling places presents a security risk, as people can walk into schools without having to present identification. The bill would also ensure that school administrators have a place on regional Homeland Security Advisory boards.

Additionally, the measure contains provisions to reduce and more effectively police bullying. The Oklahoma School Security Act would add electronic communications to the state’s bullying statutes. Electronic communications cannot be considered bullying under current law.

The bill also would develop a procedure whereby schools can obtain information on students who have received social services or mental health counseling.

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