Missouri House Endorses Bill to Increase School Safety

Published: March 13, 2008

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri House of Representatives has endorsed a bill that would put several measures in place to help increase safety at public schools.

Rep. Maynard Wallace (R-Thornfield) sponsored the bill. If passed, K-12 schools would be able to institute uniforms for students, protect teachers from lawsuits and allow schools to create their own police departments.

Wallace said teachers often hesitate before stopping an act of violence or administering medication or first aid because they fear they will be sued. With the bill, Wallace hopes to alleviate such fears.

Additionally, each school will determine whether or not their students wear uniforms. However, Wallace said having a set dress code will deter students from hiding weapons or drugs in clothing.

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The bill also asks for two witnesses to be present in the event a student receives a spanking.

Before the bill can go to the Senate, it needs one more vote from the Missouri House.

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